Blog Activities management

10 octobre 2019 de Charles
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After a long period of testing, a long-awaited feature has been implemented: the management of activities directly from the Apnea site.

By log-in in to Apnea, you have access to a view of your activities that you can filter by different criteria and sort in order to easily find information about an outing or training.

View of activities table

By clicking on one of the thumbnails in the table, you open the activity in floating mode ("popup") over the table allowing you to have a quick view of the activity, or by clicking on its name, you open the activity directly in a new view allowing you to view it with more comfort.

Activity popup Activity

On an activity page, a graph and data are displayed, including :

  • Immersion count
  • Max depth
  • Max immersion duration
  • Cumulative immersion
  • Ratio immersion

In the table of intervals, we find a lot of specific information for each immersion.

You can consult a public activity directly by clicking on the following link: Apnée - Blue Addiction - PB 37.4m

To make one of your activities public, click on the eye icon at the top right of the activity.

Public activity example: Charles

To be continued...