Blog New versions : Apnea DYN 1.10.5 and Apnea CWT 1.7.5

12 octobre 2018 de Charles
cwt dyn version

2 new versions of Apnea are released today, it only fixes minor bugs.

On Apnea DYN, the reading of the Depth parameter was not correctly read and the immersion then started all the time at 0.5m.

In common, on Apnea DYN and Apnea CWT, the following bugs have been fixed:

  • Fixed an error when reading the Event parameter making it inoperative
  • Fix on french locale

The family having recently grown, I took a while to develop an alternative allowing the analysis of an activity (display of depth curves, speed, etc...), please be patient again on this subject, note that I am willing to help.